Restart Guitar Lessons
My Door Is Always Open: Welcoming Back Students
This week, I had the most incredible surprise! One of my former students, Christina, wanted to restart guitar lessons. It’s always exciting when past students reach out to pick things back up. It’s a testament to how much fun making music is and it apparently doesn’t fade even after time away.

Christina Returns to Guitar Lessons
Forming Connections
I really think that teaching is just as much about forming connections as it is passing along information. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of reconnecting with students who took a hiatus, sometimes for decades! I’ve seen them come back as parents, bringing their own children to discover the magic of music. Others have returned after building successful careers, seeking a creative outlet or that familiar comfort music provides.
Sometimes life throws curveballs that put those connections on hold. Maybe work gets demanding, or a new family takes center stage. Whatever the reason, it’s so amazing when those students want to start back up again.
Never Too Late to Restart Guitar Lessons
It’s a beautiful reminder that learning is a lifelong journey. There’s no such thing as a “too late” when it comes to music. Whether you put your instrument down for a year or twenty, picking it back up is always so rewarding.
Here in my studio, the door is always open to anyone who is interested in learning music! But more importantly, there’s an open invitation to come back, no matter how much time has passed. We can pick up where we left off, or start fresh depending on your goals.
Whether you need a refresher, a supportive environment to tackle a new challenge, or simply a friendly face to chat with about your progress, don’t hesitate to reach out. Here’s to the power of lifelong learning, and to the connections that make it all the more rewarding!