Allo Internet
Switching to Allo Internet from Comcast
I am so excited for my new Allo internet.
Being a very loyal customer, I will do quite a bit to stay with a company that treats me well and offers good service. However, after not having any problems with Comcast (now Xfinity) for over 20 years, I started losing connection with online students and had to continually watch the circle spin. This was especially prevalent around 5pm when everyone was home from work.
Trying to Troubleshoot
Initially, I thought since my modem was 10 years, that could be the problem. Before calling Xfinity, I decided to spend $200 and get a good modem that was on their compatible equipment list. My router was fairly new, so the technology on that should be ok.
The new modem didn’t solve the problem, so I called and they sent a service tech who put in a new line to the junction box. That didn’t seem to help either. The service tech said there is a lot of noise in the line from the houses around me, so that may be the problem.
The tech said if the problems persisted, then I’d need to rent their modem. I was wondering how a new modem would help with the noise in the line, but figured he’d know better than me.
Finally, after a couple more weeks of dropped signal and spinning wheels, I went to bite the bullet and order one of their modem rentals.

The Spinning Wheel
Xfinity Computer Hangs Up on Me
After calling Xfinity, all I could get was their automated computer. I had already done all the online trouble shooting, so there was no need to go through all of that again. Besides, the tech said I’d need to rent a modem.
After repeating “representative,” “customer service,” etc. the computer told me I would have to go online to trouble shoot and then just said “Good-bye” and hung up on me. Wow. I got hung up on by a computer.
I figured that was my cue.
The Switch to Allo Internet
I did some research and finally called Allo. What amazing customer service. I actually spoke with a live, human representative right away. She was super friendly and wanted to make sure I knew how excited they were to have me. Sold!
Now I am still new, but their tech came out and was incredibly friendly. We worked together running the lines and when we were done, he tested the system. No equipment rentals, no service charge, and a really nice guy.
Now my upload speeds are exactly the same as download. Plus, I am the only one on the line. So, when 5pm rolls around, no more watching the circle spin around and around.
I am hoping to continue to have great service and a long relationship with these guys. Sometimes the universe helps you to get to where you need to go. In this case, it was moving on from a company who changed focus from offering personalized human interaction to offering computerized customer service.
If you have any questions about how the internet is doing, feel free to contact us.