A Thanksgiving to Remember: Jammin’ with Family
Thanksgiving this year was truly something special. My son, brother, and mom came over, so we decided to turn our holiday gathering into a full-blown family jam session.
We have always loved playing music, but this year, we took it to the next level. With some impromptu jamming, we formed a band right in my studio. It was incredible to see how effortlessly it was for my son and brother to come together on some Ozzy and Three Days Grace. We also played a mix of some other classic rock songs as well as the modern hits, and to our surprise the songs turned out really good!
To top it all off, we even put on a light and fog show, transforming the studio into a mini concert venue. Mom was our dedicated audience, cheering us on and enjoying the performance.
Those moments always remind me just how important family is. Sometimes life gets pretty busy and it can be easy to get wrapped up in the day-to-day events. I hope I don’t ever look back and realize I missed some of the most important things in life.
This Thanksgiving will forever be etched in my memory. It was most certainly a fun time of catching up, having an amazing dinner, and cranking out some tunes. I am so grateful for the opportunity to share a day jamming in the studio with family.

My son and brother rocking out White Stripes
If you have any questions or comments about the jam sessions, guitar, bass, or drum lessons. Please contact us.