Teaching Music Lessons

Life Lessons Across Generations: The Magic of Teaching Music

I’ve always been drawn to people. I love hearing their stories, learning about their experiences, and understanding their perspectives. Teaching music lessons has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Every day, I have the privilege of connecting with students from all walks of life, from young children just starting their musical journey to adults and retired people looking to rediscover their passion for music.

Teaching Retired Students

Working with retired adult students is a truly humbling experience. These individuals have lived through so much, and their wisdom is invaluable. I’ve learn so much about life from them. They remind me of the importance of cherishing every moment, of finding joy in the simple things, and of never giving up. Even a seemingly small comment about their life can spark a deep reflection and inspire me.

Teaching Music Lessons

Skip has taught me a lot

Teaching Younger Students

On the other end of the spectrum, teaching young children is an absolute blast. Their boundless energy, creativity, and enthusiasm are contagious. I’m constantly amazed by the vast world they see and the incredible things they can imagine. Whether it’s a magical dragon or a diamond sword in Minecraft, their imaginations know no bounds. Having the opportunity to enter their world and share in their excitement is truly a gift.

Teaching Music Lessons

Zane is a huge Minecraft fan!


Watching my students grow and develop over time is one of the most fulfilling aspects of teaching. I’ve seen shy children blossom into confident performers, struggling students overcome challenges and achieve their goals, It’s an honor to be a part of their journey and to witness their transformation.

Beyond the music, teaching has also given me the opportunity to build lasting friendships with my students and their families. I’ve heard about their struggles, their hopes and their fears. And through it all, I’ve come to know them as individuals, not just as students.

Teaching music lessons is more than just imparting knowledge and skills. It’s about connecting with people on a deeper level, building relationships, and making a positive impact on their lives. It’s about learning from each other, growing together, and finding joy in the shared love of music. And for that, I am eternally grateful!

Voice Lessons

A Guitar Teacher’s Unexpected Vocal Journey

Who would have thought a guitar teacher would find themselves immersed in the world of vocal coaching? Certainly not me. I’ve been strumming chords and teaching others to do the same for what feels like forever. So when one of my guitar students expressed an interest in voice lessons, I was thrown a curveball.

I’ve always been ok at singing, but never considered myself a vocal powerhouse. I’ve sung in bands for over two decades, but that was more about belting out tunes with a guitar than any formal vocal training. So, the idea of teaching someone to sing was daunting. But with a ten-year-old student eager to learn and a supportive mom, I decided to dive in headfirst.

Voice Lessons

Christina is My First Official Vocal Student

Teaching Voice Lessons is Very Rewarding

Surprisingly, I’ve discovered that teaching someone to sing is incredibly rewarding. We’ve started with the basics, using the piano to help her identify pitches. I was amazed at how quickly she picked up the concept and how trainable the human voice truly is. It’s like unlocking a hidden instrument within her.

To track her progress, we’ve been using Audacity to record her singing. It’s fascinating to listen back and hear the improvements. We even create little backing tracks and record her voice on a separate channel, allowing us to mix the two together and see how well she’s harmonizing. It’s a fun and effective way to visualize her vocal journey.

Not a Traditional Approach

While I’m excited about the progress we’re making, I’ve also realized that my approach to vocal coaching is quite different from the traditional methods. I’m not interested in the deep dive into operatic techniques or the physical acrobatics of vocal training. I’ve never laid on the ground with books on my diaphragm, and I don’t plan to start now. My focus is on helping my student find her voice, develop pitch accuracy, and learn to harmonize with her favorite songs.

It’s been a challenging but incredibly rewarding experience. Who knows, maybe this unexpected detour will lead to a whole new career path. For now, I’m enjoying the journey of helping my young student discover the joy of singing.

Stay tuned for updates on our vocal adventures!

Renting a Guitar

When Renting a Guitar Makes Sense

Maybe you’ve toyed with the idea of picking up this iconic instrument, but the hefty price tag of a new guitar has held you back. Renting a guitar might be the perfect solution for you. This is especially true for young students who have never played before. Trying it out first using a rental can make a lot of sense.

Dip Your Toes In

Learning a new instrument is exciting, but it’s also a commitment. Renting a guitar allows you to dive into the world of music without the pressure of the upfront cost. We currently rent guitars for $25 a month so you can explore whether the guitar is the right instrument for you. Maybe you’ll discover a hidden talent, or perhaps you’ll find that your musical journey requires a different type of guitar.

Experiment with Different Styles

One of the coolest things about renting is the ability to try different types of guitars to see what works best for your style of music. Acoustic for those mellow vibes or an electric for rocking out – the options are endless. Also, different guitars play differently, so you can get an idea of what you would like for your musical journey. We do have both electric and acoustic guitars that you can try to see which one fits best.

Renting a Guitar

Electric Guitar

Renting a Guitar

Acoustic Guitar

No Commitment

If you rent a guitar, there’s no pressure to keep going if your circumstances change. The nice thing is if you get busy with work, school, or family, you can return the guitar and come back to it later if you decide.

So, if you’re on the fence about buying a guitar, you can always give renting a shot. It’s affordable, flexible, and a fantastic way to explore your musical potential. Who knows, you might just discover a lifelong passion.

Please contact us if you have any questions about renting a guitar. We currently have both electric and acoustic guitars available.