Drum Lessons

A Peek Inside My Drum Lesson Setup

Have you ever dreamt of laying down killer beats on the drums? Well, buckle up because I’m about to give you a sneak peek into the world of my drum lessons, a place where technique meets fun and progress is guaranteed!

What Happens During Drum Lessons

Each lesson kicks off with a fresh lick – a new drumming technique that injects a dose of excitement and keeps the learning curve constantly climbing. We then dive into a tight, 4-bar rhythm pattern, a fundamental building block for any aspiring kit drummer. These short bursts are a fantastic way to solidify the new technique while building a solid foundation in essential grooves.

Picking Songs

Some students arrive with a specific song in mind, a tune they’re burning to master on the drums. That’s awesome! We’ll assess the difficulty level of the song and, if it’s a good fit for their current skillset, we can jump right in and start learning it within the first few lessons. It’s all about keeping things engaging and letting the music be the fuel that propels their drumming journey.

For students who haven’t chosen a song yet, no worries! I’ve got a curated library of popular and fun tunes ready to explore. This way, they can discover new music while honing their drumming skills.

But here’s the secret weapon that sets my lessons apart: a dedicated 27″ monitor! Ditch the tiny notation books – we embrace clarity and comfort. This big screen makes reading drum sheet music a breeze, helping students grasp timing concepts and navigate complex rhythms with ease.

The fun doesn’t stop there. My teaching software is a true game-changer. Imagine this: you’re struggling with a tricky passage in a song. No problem! We can slow it down without altering the pitch, allowing you to master the technique before gradually increasing the speed. This “speed training” approach is a favorite among my students, as it empowers them to conquer those challenging sections with confidence.

Drum Lessons

Brae on Drums

Conquering Challenges

Speaking of conquering challenges, let me tell you about Brae, one of my amazing students. When she first started, reading notes seemed like an insurmountable obstacle. Fast forward to today, and Brae is confidently navigating drum sheets, translating those symbols on the page into driving beats and infectious grooves. It’s truly inspiring to witness her progress!

The best part? Brae’s enthusiasm for drumming is contagious. She recently doubled her lesson time from a half-hour to a full hour, and even then, we often find ourselves wanting more! This is the magic of drumming – it becomes an addiction, a creative outlet that fuels your passion and ignites a fire within.

If you are interested in trying out drum lessons, we offer a unique blend of focused technique, engaging repertoire, and cutting-edge technology, all in a fun and supportive environment.

Consistent Practice

The Magic of Consistent Practice: From Beginner to Guitar Hero

We’ve all seen those epic guitar solos that leave us speechless. Fingers flying across the fretboard, complex melodies weaving magic in the air – it seems like these guitarists are channeling pure sorcery. But the truth is far less mystical and far more attainable: consistent practice is the real secret weapon. Just ask Christopher, a student who tackled the notoriously difficult solo in Judas Priest’s “The Sentinel” through sheer perseverance.

Imagine the satisfaction Christopher felt nailing that solo. It wasn’t a stroke of luck or sudden talent explosion. It was the culmination of countless hours spent diligently practicing, dissecting each note, and building the muscle memory to execute it flawlessly. This is the power of consistent practice – it transforms the impossible into the impressive.

Consistent Practice with Anything

Think about learning any skill. Whether it’s baking a perfect souffle, mastering a new language, or even becoming a coding whiz, the initial steps are often the most daunting. We stumble, make mistakes, and feel discouraged. But with consistent practice, those fumbles transform into fluid movements. The brain strengthens the neural pathways associated with the skill, making it more automatic and less effortful.

Consistent Practice


Let’s break it down further. Consistent practice isn’t about cramming hours on end in a single go. It’s about dedicating focused time regularly. Think of it like watering a plant. Short, regular bursts of focused practice are far more effective than sporadic marathon sessions. This allows your brain to absorb information, process it, and then solidify those connections through consistent repetition.

Here’s the beauty of consistent practice: it applies to every facet of life. Whether you’re aiming to improve your public speaking skills, become a more patient parent, or simply learn a new recipe, consistent effort is the key to progress.

There will be days when motivation dips. Life throws curveballs, and practice sessions might fall by the

wayside. Don’t beat yourself up! The key is to get back on track as soon as possible. Remember, even a short practice session is better than none. Consistency is about the long game, not about a perfect track record.


Here are some tips to cultivate consistent practice in your own life:

  • Set realistic goals: Don’t overwhelm yourself by aiming for mastery overnight. Break down your goals into smaller, achievable steps. Celebrate each milestone, and use them to fuel your motivation.
  • Find a practice method that works for you: Experiment with different techniques to find what keeps you engaged. Maybe it’s practicing with a metronome, joining an online community, or simply finding a quiet corner with your instrument.
  • Make it fun! Learning shouldn’t feel like a chore. Integrate elements that you enjoy into your practice sessions. Play along to your favorite songs, jam with friends, or even reward yourself for reaching milestones.

So, the next time you witness a jaw-dropping guitar solo or marvel at someone’s seemingly effortless mastery of a skill, remember – it’s a testament to the power of consistent practice. It’s the dedication, the focus, and the sheer grit of putting in the work, day after day. And that’s something we can all achieve, one consistent step at a time. The journey to becoming your own personal hero begins with consistent practice. Check out more videos of students here.

Exploring Different Instruments

Heidy’s Double Threat: Why Drums Can Supercharge Your Guitar Skills

Heidy’s journey from guitar strings to drum skins is a perfect example of how exploring different instruments enriches your overall musicianship. Not only will she develop a deeper appreciation for rhythm, but she’ll also gain a newfound confidence in her guitar playing.

Exploring Different Instruments

Heidy is now playing guitar and drums!

Exploring Different Instruments Develops Musicianship

Drums are the heart of any rhythmic section. They lay down the foundation, the driving force that pulls the entire song together. By learning the language of drums, you gain a deeper understanding of rhythm itself. Concepts like backbeats, those steady on-the-beat hits that create the pulse, become second nature. You’ll instinctively feel the groove, that rhythmic pocket where the guitar and drums interlock seamlessly.

Heidy’s strumming will take on a whole new life. Learning basic drum fills and how they interact with the backbeat will translate beautifully to her guitar playing. She’ll understand how to accentuate certain beats, create tension and release, and ultimately make her guitar parts groove with a whole new confidence.

But the magic of drums goes beyond the core beats. Offbeats, those notes played between the main accents, become a playground for exploration. Syncopation, the deliberate placement of notes off the main beat, adds excitement and rhythmic depth. By learning how drums utilize these techniques, Heidy will develop a richer understanding of rhythm as a whole. She’ll be able to experiment with syncopated guitar riffs and adding accents that make her playing more dynamic and engaging.

Final Thoughts

It’s so nice to be able to provide a platform for students to expand their musical horizons, one beat at a time. So, whether you started with guitar or bass and have your sights set on the drums, remember – the most important thing is the joy of creating music!

I encourage students who are curious about another instrument to give it a try. At the very least, they will see what it’s like from another musical perspective. But ultimately, they may discover how much fun learning other instruments can be.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact us.

Restart Guitar Lessons

My Door Is Always Open: Welcoming Back Students

This week, I had the most incredible surprise! One of my former students, Christina, wanted to restart guitar lessons. It’s always exciting when past students reach out to pick things back up. It’s a testament to how much fun making music is and it apparently doesn’t fade even after time away.

Restart Guitar Lessons

Christina Returns to Guitar Lessons

Forming Connections

I really think that teaching is just as much about forming connections as it is passing along information. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of reconnecting with students who took a hiatus, sometimes for decades! I’ve seen them come back as parents, bringing their own children to discover the magic of music. Others have returned after building successful careers, seeking a creative outlet or that familiar comfort music provides.

Sometimes life throws curveballs that put those connections on hold. Maybe work gets demanding, or a new family takes center stage. Whatever the reason, it’s so amazing when those students want to start back up again.

Never Too Late to Restart Guitar Lessons

It’s a beautiful reminder that learning is a lifelong journey. There’s no such thing as a “too late” when it comes to music. Whether you put your instrument down for a year or twenty, picking it back up is always so rewarding.

Here in my studio, the door is always open to anyone who is interested in learning music! But more importantly, there’s an open invitation to come back, no matter how much time has passed. We can pick up where we left off, or start fresh depending on your goals.

Whether you need a refresher, a supportive environment to tackle a new challenge, or simply a friendly face to chat with about your progress, don’t hesitate to reach out.  Here’s to the power of lifelong learning, and to the connections that make it all the more rewarding!